Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Little miss social butterfly

Well we had a really busy Memorial weekend! Arie is such a little party animal! It started with Arie and I taking our very first road trip together all by ourselves to Brainerd! I was incredibly nervous but it was all for nothing, Arie did great and slept the entire time! That night we went to my grandparents house so Arie could meet her great grandparents-they of course loved her and we so excited to meet her! We then had a fun night outside with grandma and grandpa and my good friend Jessica and her kids Landon and Brekyn who is 2 days older than Arie. They became the best of friends already! Saturday started bright and early with a little garage saling and then we had a open house for all of my relative to come and meet the newest addition. Arie again slept the whole day and enjoyed the fresh air and being passed around from relative to relative! She is a very loved little girl and is so lucky to have all that wonderful fa,ily and friends in her life. After the open house we went to a pool party at Jessica's parents new house where Arie met a few more new friends, Eva Clough and Ada Devries! It was such beautiful day, I even got up enough courage to put a swim suit on and enjoyed a little dip in the pool and a delish margarita! It was a great time! Sunday we got up early and headed back to Fargo where we had a little BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa Sperals so Arie could meet Luke Winzenburg-who claims Arie is the very first baby he has ever held! He did great! After that we headed to an open house for Joel's cousin Laura who graduated from West Fargo Highschool! Congrats Laura, we are so proud of you!

Monday rolled around before we knew it and we did some planting and yard work, Arie helped out by lounging in her bouncy seat and enjoying the fresh air! Monday night we went to yet another party, Joel's cousin Owen and Luke's birthdays and Luke graduated as well! Needless to say it was a crazy weekend and we crashed hard Monday night! We have loads of laundry to be done and a house to clean but Arie and I are going to take it easy today and relax, im enjoying my coffee as I update the blog and Arie is taking a little morning snooze in her bouncy!

And a happy birthday to my good friend Emily who celebrated lucky number 28 on the 30th wish we could have been here to celebrate with you-love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend!...next up....your birthday! She is growing like a weed!
