Thursday, February 4, 2010

28 weeks-only 12 more to go!

We had our 28 week appointment yesterday, the babies heartrate was in the 150's and she had the hiccups while we were listening to the heart beat-so cute! Everything is moving right along and going great. I also took my much talked about glucous test-and the orange stuff is just as sugary as everyone says! I just chugged it and tried not to taste it too much, then it was off to labs where I got to have my blood drawn. Usually a quick and painless experience....not yesterday! I left with 2 black and blue and very sore arms. Oh well small price to pay for this little girl! I also had a rohgam shot for my negative blood type, something I was surprised to find out and good to know!

Pictures soon to follow of the ever expanding bump-just gotta get Joel to take some for me! 12 more weeks!!!!!