Arie had surgery on Monday for her blocked tear ducts. We have known she would most likely have to have this surgery for quite awhile now. Our pediatrician reffered us to a pediatric eye specialist from South Dakota who comes to Sanford every 6 weeks and does consults and surgeries. We met with him back in March and he confirmed that Arie would need the surgery.
She was under anesthesia and they went in through the corner of her eye into the tear ducts with a probe and popped them open and then went in through her nose to make sure they were open-she had both eyes done. She did so great and was she was so brave, we got to the hospital at 5:45am, met with the anesthesiologist and her surgeon and she was in surgery by 7am, we were anxious and nervous but knew she was in good hands. The surgery itself lasted less than 30 minutes (which still felt like eternity) she then went in to recovery for around 30-45 minutes. We got to be with her in recovery and hold her as she was waking up. She was not a happy camper, but who can blame her! She calmed down and had a bottle and some juice and kept it down so we were able to get her discharged really quickly and left the hospital a little after 8:00am. Her eyes were a little red and swollen for a few hours afterwards but she is as good as new now!